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Career Wisdom

As you progress in your career you pick up morsels of wisdom. Recently I found a post by a former journalist and leader that I enjoyed reading.  Here are few “bite-size” morsels to help you navigate your career.

Harvey Mackay is a self-made business person and wise mentor sharing his experience.

For example, he was quoted, “Don’t just mark time; use time to make your mark.” I liken Harvey’s wisdom to that of James Clear’s career advice.  Clear is known for his best-selling book, “Atomic Habits” and routinely speaks at Fortune 500 gatherings and keynotes.

The times and mode of communication have changed. James’ profile on LinkedIn has thousands of followers. Harvey was syndicated in national newspapers for years. However, the common sense habits and “grit” needed to succeed, then and now, are the same.

Another bit of “Harvey wisdom,” reads like something out of Clear’s current playbook. “Technology should improve your life, not become your life.”  Compared to James Clear’s recent quote:

 “Simple ways to have a peaceful moment:

-Close your eyes and just breathe for two minutes.

-Leave your phone in another room for an hour…”

So, my point is wisdom comes in all forms and changes slightly over time. But really, your experiences shape the person you want to be and will become. Kindness, consistency, and putting the work in will result in rewards.  Rewards of goals achieved, dreams realized, and what success looks like for you.

Life is full of mishaps, fun, and opportunities. Be ready for what comes your way. As Harvey stated, “How people play the game shows something of their character. How they lose shows all of it.”  Food for thought…

For more career advice check out:

By Kathy Husser (Tempe)

Kathy Husser is a Tempe librarian and educator who enjoys travel and learning about our global cultures. With post pandemic traveling open up more and more, Kathy wants to share resources for family friendly getaways and fun trips to meet your vacation needs. She enjoys gardening, the outdoors and cooking too!