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Power of Habits


Starting on a journey of positive change often centers on forming and sticking to habits. Habits, ingrained routines of behavior, have a profound impact on our daily lives. They influence everything from our productivity to our physical and overall mental well-being. Understanding the science behind habits and implementing effective strategies can be the key to transforming harmful patterns into positive behaviors.

The Science Behind Habits

Habits are deeply rooted in neurological patterns. As we repeat a behavior, our brain forms neural pathways that make the action more automatic over time. This inherent ability of our brains to create habits can be harnessed for positive change. Rather than viewing habits as obstacles, we can leverage the brain’s ability to establish routines that align with our goals.

Identify the Trigger

To change a bad habit, start by identifying the trigger that begins the behavior. Whether it’s stress, boredom, or a specific environment, recognizing the cue that prompts the habit is crucial. Understanding the trigger allows you to implement strategies to interrupt the automatic response and replace it with a positive alternative.

Set Clear and Achievable Goals

Define clear and achievable goals that align with the positive change you want to make. Break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps. This not only makes the process less overwhelming but also provides a sense of accomplishment with each milestone. You are reinforcing the formation of a new, positive habit!

Replace with a Positive Behavior

Rather than focusing solely on eliminating a bad habit, redirect your energy toward replacing it with a positive behavior. If your goal is to reduce screen time, replace the habit of scrolling through your phone with a positive behavior. Activities like reading a book or practicing relaxation techniques fit the bill better just before bedtime. The key is to substitute the undesirable action with a healthier alternative.

Utilize the Power of Consistency

Consistency is the bedrock of habit formation. Repetition is what reinforces neural pathways, making a behavior more automatic. Commit to practicing the positive behavior consistently, even when faced with setbacks. Over time, this repetition strengthens the new habit, making it a natural part of your routine.

Accountability and Support

Share your goals with a friend, family member, or a mentor who can provide encouragement and hold you accountable. Having a support system enhances motivation and increases the likelihood of successfully transforming a bad habit. Celebrate achievements together and learn from challenges as a team.

The power of habits lies in their ability to shape our lives. By understanding the science behind habits and implementing strategic approaches, you can change harmful behaviors into positive, life-affirming habits.

Identify triggers, set achievable goals, replace negative behaviors with positive ones, embrace consistency, and seek support. Through this approach, you will create lasting, positive changes that contribute to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

For more living well, inspiration check out my website:

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Celebrities Like Us

Finishing up the book, “My Name is Barbra,” I never thought celebrities were like us.  But after reading this book it made me realize you can have all the fame and money in the world and still have setbacks.  Here are the lessons learned from music and cinema legend, Barbra Streisand’s 60-year career.

Stand Up for Yourself

Ms. Streisand had to overcome a great deal of prejudice in her career, and not just in the beginning in the 1960’s. As a twenty-year old Broadway star to a 40-something director, she prevailed despite unfair treatment. I love how she was a rule follower, (even when there were no rules) wanting to “do the right thing.”

When she was harassed on a movie set for more than year, she tried to “toughen up” and work with the famous actor.  It wasn’t until months later when her health was at risk, the situation changed for the better.  No one stood up for her, she had to advocate for herself. Be your own support system and act. If you are in a bad situation, you need to make it better. Seek help and take action.

Take Risks

Barbra was a trailblazer from the very start. Growing up without a father since age 8, her mother was overly protective. Barbra learned early on to take risks and do what “felt” right in situations at school and her career. Call it “street smarts” or intuition, she listens to her gut.  If she feels something is calling her, like being the first female director of a major motion, she does it!  “Yentl” was her first movie of many more directorial credits.  “You’ll always regret not trying, and you always lose unless you do try!”

Keep Learning

As we get older your experiences provide wisdom and learning opportunities. Hard work was always a pillar of Barbra’s success, along with learning new aspects of show business. She went from night clubs, to Broadway to movies to behind the camera. She kept learning for herself and for own curiosity. This growth mindset keeps her open to new opportunities along the way. She found love again in her 50’s by pushing herself past her shyness in social situations.  Keep learning to stay healthy!

To sum up, the details of Barbra Streisand’s career is fascinating. But overall, she took chances, nurtured her talent, and pushed beyond current norms to build a very successful career. Strong women would love her story and might also see aspects of themselves in her life and lessons.

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Themes for the New Year


As we start a new year, it’s a perfect time for reflection and renewal. While resolutions abound, certain overarching themes can guide us towards a more fulfilling and purposeful journey in the coming months. Here are three vital themes to remember for the new year.

Mindful Well-Being in 2024

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to neglect our well-being. As we step into the new year, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and cultivate a mindful approach to health. This includes not only physical wellness but also mental and emotional balance.

Consider incorporating practices such as meditation, regular exercise, and adequate sleep into your routine. These small yet impactful habits can significantly contribute to overall well-being. In a world that often glorifies busyness, valuing moments of rest and self-reflection becomes a cornerstone for a healthier, more resilient you.

Embracing Learning and Resilience

The new year offers a blank slate for personal and professional growth. Embracing a growth mindset involves seeing challenges as opportunities for learning and viewing failures as stepping stones toward success. This approach not only fosters resilience but also fuels a continuous desire for improvement.

Set achievable goals that push your boundaries, both personally and professionally. Whether it’s acquiring a new skill, pursuing further education, or taking on challenging projects, the growth mindset propels you forward. This also fosters a sense of accomplishment and adaptability during unforeseen challenges.

In a rapidly evolving world, the ability to embrace change and learn from experiences is a powerful asset. Cultivating a growth mindset ensures that every encounter contributes to your journey of becoming the best version of yourself. Whether that personal experience is positive or negative, you grow from it.

Nurturing Relationships

In the digital age, genuine connections and meaningful relationships hold incomparable value. As we navigate the new year, prioritize the nurturing of both existing and new connections. Whether it’s strengthening family bonds, fostering friendships, or building professional networks, investing time and energy in relationships enriches our lives.

Take a proactive approach to communication, be present in your interactions, and seek out opportunities for collaboration and shared experiences. These connections not only provide emotional support but also contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose. In a world that can sometimes feel isolated, the power of genuine human connections is a beacon of light. A light guiding us through the challenges and joys of life to be happier.

As we embark on 2024, let mindfulness, growth, and connection be our guiding lights. Prioritizing well-being, adopting a growth mindset, and nurturing relationships pave the way for a year of purpose, resilience, and fulfillment. Here’s to embracing the opportunities that 2024 brings and creating a meaningful tapestry of experiences and growth.

Happy New Year!

Originally published on Elephant Journal

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Halloween 2023


Halloween is just around the corner this year.  Planning the perfect costume that is safe, non-political, and easy to pull together can be a challenge in 2023. Fear not! Here are four suggestions that will spark your imagination and ensure a memorable Halloween experience for all.

Classic Movie Characters

Step into the magical world of cinema by dressing up as a beloved character from a classic movie. Whether you choose Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz,” Indiana Jones, or the iconic Charlie Chaplin, these costumes are timeless. With a little creativity and items from your own closet, you can recreate these characters easily.

Add some finishing touches with props like Dorothy’s ruby slippers or Indiana Jones’ fedora hat, you’re good to go! Get ready to transport yourself into movie land with these costumes

Mythical Creatures

Embrace the magic and mystique of legends by dressing up as a mythical creature. From fairies and unicorns to dragons and mermaids, the options are endless. Tap into your imagination and create a costume that brings these creatures to life. You can use colorful fabrics, sparkly accessories, and face paint to enhance the fantastical elements.

Let your creativity soar as you craft wings for a fairy or design scales for a mermaid. These enchanting costumes are sure to inspire wonder and awe, making them perfect for all ages.

Book Characters

Pay homage to the beloved characters from your favorite books by bringing them to life this Halloween. Whether it’s Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, or the mischievous Cat in the Hat. These literary icons offer a world of possibilities for creative costumes.


Browse your local thrift stores or search your own closet for clothing items that resemble the characters’ signature styles. Add some key accessories, such as Alice’s headband or Harry Potter’s round glasses, to complete the look. Not only will you celebrate your love for books, but you’ll inspire others to dive into the world of reading.

Taylor and Travis

Yes, I went there! Why not mix the best of both worlds and go as two of our most popular icons in 2023? Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift “look a likes” would make a perfect Halloween couple’s costume.  Football and pop music blend seamlessly and talk about easy costumes to gather.

A Kansas City football jersey and some “Swiftie” swag and you are both set for Halloween!  You could also add those personal touches of hair color, beard, microphone, and #13 for effect.  Have fun this year with our most watched couple of the fall season.

Choosing a safe, non-political, and easy-to-pull-together Halloween costume may seem like a challenge. But, these suggestions provide a perfect starting point. Whether you opt for a classic movie character, pop icons, or a beloved book character, the key is creativity people!

Remember, safety should always come first.  Also make sure your costume is comfortable, allows for easy movement, and doesn’t block your vision. And don’t forget to add your own personal flair and unique touches to make the costume truly yours.

As Halloween approaches, let your imagination run wild and create a costume that brings joy to those around you. Whether you’re trick-or-treating, attending a party, or simply celebrating at home, these ideas will help you shine.

Keeping the focus on the fun and festive spirit of Halloween is the main point.  So, unleash your inner creative spirit, gather your materials, and get ready for a Halloween filled with magic this year!

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Making Friends Remotely

In an era of digital connectivity and flexible work arrangements, the concept of “going to the office” has changed. Many professionals now find themselves working remotely, a trend accelerated by recent global events. While remote work offers numerous advantages, it can sometimes create a sense of isolation. It can leave individuals wondering how to make friends when their workplace is no longer a physical space. Fortunately, there are several strategies to create meaningful connections while working remotely.

Water Cooler

First and foremost, embrace the virtual water cooler. Just as office conversations often occur around the water cooler, remote workers can participate in digital equivalents. Engage in team chat platforms, join virtual meetings a few minutes early, and contribute to discussions. This provides an opportunity for casual conversations and shared experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Work Communities

Seek out remote work communities. Online forums, social media groups, and professional networking platforms are treasure troves of like-minded individuals who understand remote working. Join discussions, share your experiences, and engage in conversations that go beyond work-related topics. These communities offer a supportive environment to build connections based on shared interests and challenges.

Virtual Events

Participate in virtual events and workshops. Many organizations and platforms host webinars, workshops, and conferences that cater to remote professionals. Attending these events not only expands your knowledge but also exposes you to a diverse range of individuals. Take advantage of breakout sessions, networking events, and Q&A sessions to connect with attendees who understand your goals.


Initiate one-on-one interactions. While group interactions are valuable, establishing individual connections is equally important. Reach out to colleagues for virtual coffee chats or brainstorming sessions. These one-on-one conversations allow for deeper connections and the opportunity to learn about each other’s backgrounds, interests, and experiences.

Co-Working Spaces

Consider remote co-working spaces. These virtual spaces are designed to mimic the camaraderie of a physical office, providing a sense of community for remote workers. Many platforms offer chat rooms, virtual events, and collaborative projects, fostering connections in a structured online environment. You can also host your video calls in these spaces to increase your network.

Be You!

Be open and approachable. Displaying authenticity and a willingness to connect can attract others seeking friendship in the remote work landscape. Share personal anecdotes, interests, and even challenges. Vulnerability can create a sense of relatability that encourages others to open up as well. Remember, you have to be a friend to have a friend!

While working remotely might physically separate us, it need not isolate us from building meaningful connections. By leveraging virtual platforms, engaging in online communities, and embracing one-on-one interactions, remote workers can make friends beyond physical boundaries. In this digital age, the tools to make friends are at our fingertips; all it takes is a proactive approach and a genuine desire to connect.


Check out my website for more tips on working remotely and self-care:

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Barbie Taught Me About Work

Did you see the Barbie movie?  I did, mainly because I had the doll growing up. I loved Barbie. And here’s why this movie and its message for us all is so popular now.

Work Hard – Nothing is Perfect

Barbie has always lived in a perfect world. Pink, plastic, and perfect, the marketing machine has families buy her “accessories” for their children constantly. From the dream house, to the car, to her pet dog, Barbie had it all and little girls were supposed to aspire to that life. But, like me many families we couldn’t really afford Barbies or her perfect world.

I had one new Malibu Barbie, the one with the deep tan, gifted to me for my birthday.  I never had a Ken doll, or her sidekick Skippy, so was my imagination stilted?  Nope, never! I was able to earn my college degree (with no loans) and a masters degree after having children to meet my professional goals. I worked hard and reached high.

Improvise and Use your Creativity

Like any good kid with little resources, I improvised. I made Barbie’s furniture from old margarine tub lids and thread spools. She didn’t have a “dream house.” My tanned beauty had a shoe box, covered with a kitchen towel “patio” with a green washcloth lawn.

My doll,and the all the Saturday morning commercials, gave me permission to use my imagination! I improvised to envision my own “apartment” when I grew up.  (I had a few when I was older as well…living the dream in my own way!)

And the career choices I had, from Advertising Executive to Astronaut, I could live through Barbie.  I didn’t need a man to make my dreams come true. I had my drive and work ethic to make things happen for myself.

As a young girl, Barbie really inspired me to succeed to do whatever I dreamed.  And dreamed I did…I moved away from home out of state and started a career that helped me grow other skills that use today to be happy and succeed.

Movie’s Message is Clear 

I see that same message in the movie; Be yourself…whoever you are! No one is perfect or fits a certain mold.  Sometimes we hold ourselves up to unrealistic standards to those around us. Whether it’s in work, school, or even motherhood women have to navigate so many other societal obstacles, that men do not.

When we can truly all be accepted as we are, without limitations or prejudices, then we can all rest easy.  The world has a long way to go to get there.

Even Mattel admittedly has only had one female CEO in the company’s 78-year history. Go figure… but we keep striving, learning, and being better for those that come after us and help them succeed!

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My First Waymo Ride


Ever wonder what it’s like trying something totally new?  My first Waymo ride in a driverless car for work was wild and here’s why.

No Driver

Yep, the car got me from Point A to my home without a driver! The car maneuvered through traffic and “watched” for foot traffic (which can be challenging in Tempe near Arizona State University.) All six miles without a bump or hitch the entire drive. The car maintained the speed limit and was never “aggressive” like some people in vehicles can be.  Plus, all the stares from the other cars was hilarious since I was in the back seat!

Easy to Use

To locate a Waymo vehicle and have your ride arrive, install the Waymo app.  The app is similar to Uber or Lyft in that Waymo knows where you’re currently located and the address of where you want to go. Once paid, the app tells you how long the wait will be and your estimated time of arrival.

When Waymo arrives, driverless, you enter the code provided by the app to unlock the door and enjoy your ride. Easy to use for work or personal errands any time of day even during a late night.

The car takes over, and safely drives you to your final drop off spot. That’s it, except for that weird feeling of being out of control and anticipating traffic. The car’s multiple computer sensors detect obstacles and maps out other vehicles surrounding the car. The trip was uneventful and so convenient when you just “need a quick ride.”

Tempe, Arizona

I live in Tempe and Waymo, along with other companies, is piloting the driverless program here. The cars regularly “hang out” waiting to be called up in my neighborhood. I’m located next to Arizona State University, so I live in an urban hub with lots of activities, tourists, and students. Tempe is a perfect “testing ground” for this innovative technology that is being refined to go mainstream in time.

I think the main obstacle to overcome isn’t the technology or driverless ride, but rather people’s expectations. It’s difficult to change behaviors especially as something as emotional as driving and our love of cars.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 10 or 15 years and how this new industry is adapted.

For more living well, tips check out:

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Changing Careers


Changing careers, especially later in life, can be a scary task. But with the right approach and planning, it can be a rewarding life experience. Here are some steps to take to successfully change careers painlessly.

Assess Your Skills and Interests

Start by evaluating your current skills and interests and compare them to the skills and requirements of your desired career. Identify the skills you already possess that are transferable to your new career, and those that you need to develop


Research your desired career field thoroughly. Look for job descriptions, required skills, and qualifications for the position. This will help you identify any new skills you need to develop. You will also get an idea of what you can expect from your new job, like salary, promotions, and other opportunities.

Develop a Plan

Once you have identified your skills and researched your desired career field, develop a plan for achieving your career transition. This may include taking courses or networking with people in your desired industry. Gaining experience through internships or volunteer work is also an easy way to build skills in your new job.

Update Your Resume

Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight your transferable skills and experience. This will be relevant to your desired career, networking, and learning more about your new industry.  Tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the new job.

Be sure to link up projects or intern work related to your new career on LinkedIn. The more engagement you have on the website, the more relevant your profile will be to employers.


Networking is critical when transitioning to a new career. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with people in your desired industry on LinkedIn. This can help you gain insight into the career and may lead to job offers. The more you put yourself out there, the more people and potential companies will see your value and skills.

Be Patient and Persistent

Career transitions take time and effort. Be patient with the process, and continue to work towards your goals. Don’t be afraid to take on part-time work or freelancing in the meantime to gain experience and build your network.

Changing from one career to another can be a challenging process, but by following these steps, you can successfully make the transition. Remember to be patient, persistent, and open to learning new skills.

Gaining new experiences with the right approach, and a career transition can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career.  It worked for me and it can work for you too!

Follow for more career tips.


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Life Lessons


As a librarian, I love reading the latest books. Tom Hanks’ first novel is out and follows the story of how a fictional motion picture is made. The story has many life lessons that apply to real life too, and I thought I’d share a few.

The Right Partner

Finding the right “partner in life” will lift you up, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The main characters have extensive backstories. From surviving abuse and war trauma to fulfilling your creative dreams, these folks have seen it all. The thread tying them together is the passion to enjoy life and finding their partner for success, (however that’s defined.) Whether it’s a career, spouse, or creative channel to express yourself, find the right partner to get you there.


The author brings to life each character from their childhood to their interaction together as adults. All of these characters have a solid inner strength and “will” to go on.  When you read fiction like this, you experience these lives first hand. Reading about others’ stories of strength, you realize you have it as well. Inner strength is tested all the time, and sometimes we don’t even realize it.

Some call it “the grind,” grit, or just plain tenacity.  The lesson learned, is we all have something heavy we carry and don’t necessarily share. Consistently strong people grow from those tough life experiences and flourish.


Call it fate or divine intervention, but things do happen for a reason. It might be to protect you and direct you to a different life path. Fate is there for you, to help you be your best self.

What the Hanks does in his story is intertwines each character’s experiences into one successful finale. Will we all be successful or happy?  How do YOU define success or happiness? It depends, just like in life…it all depends on you and how you react.

Finally, I’d recommend The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece,” to help understand human nature. The story helps define the realities of war, trauma, relationships, and yes, especially movie making. I’m a diehard movie fan.  I love the happenstance method the author shows the reader the filmmaking process is in Hollywood. I’m looking forward to Hanks’ next novel.

Happy Reading!

#kathyhusser career Family Happiness Health work

I Loved Barbie!

Did you see the Barbie movie? I did, mainly because I had the doll growing up. I loved Barbie. And here’s why this movie and its message for us all is so popular now.

Perfect World

Barbie has always lived in a perfect world. Pink, plastic, and perfect, the marketing machine has families buy her “accessories” for their children constantly. From the dream house, to the car, to her pet dog, Barbie had it all and little girls were supposed to aspire to that life.

But, like me many families we couldn’t really afford Barbies or her perfect world. I had one new Malibu Barbie, the one with the deep (cancerous) tan, gifted to me for my birthday. I never had a Ken doll, or her sidekick Skipper, so was my imagination stilted?


No, like any good kid with little resources, I improvised. I made Barbie’s furniture from old margarine tub lids and thread spools. She didn’t have a “dream house.” My tanned beauty had a shoe box, covered with a kitchen towel “patio” with a green washcloth lawn. My doll and the all the Saturday morning commercials gave me permission to use my imagination! I improvised to envision my own “apartment” when I grew up and had a career of my very own.

And the career choices I had, from Advertising Executive to Astronaut, I could live through Barbie and her friends. I didn’t need a man to make my dreams come true. I had my drive and work ethic to make things happen for myself. As a young girl, Barbie really inspired me to succeed to do whatever I dreamed of with integrity.

Movie’s Message

Photo by Priyanka Arora on Unsplash

I see that same message in the movie; Be yourself…whoever you are! No one is perfect or fits a certain mold. Sometimes we hold ourselves up to unrealistic standards to those around us. Whether it’s in work, school, or even motherhood women have to navigate so many other societal obstacles, that men do not.

When we can truly all be accepted as we are, without limitations or prejudices, then we can all rest easy. The world has a long way to go to get there. Even Mattel admittedly has only had three female CEO’s in the company’s 78-year history. One being the founder herself, Ruth Handler.  Where are my pink Birkenstocks?