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Streaming Entertainment


Streaming entertainment, offers a lot of content at our fingertips. However, with so many streaming platforms available, finding the most economical way to enjoy your favorite movies and music can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to make the most of your streaming experience without breaking the bank.

Bundle Services

Many streaming platforms offer bundle deals that allow you to access multiple types of content for a discounted price. For example, you might find a package that includes access to movies, TV shows, and music all in one subscription. By bundling services, you can enjoy a variety of content while saving money. This a huge savings compared to paying for each service separately.

Take Advantage of Free Trials

Most digital services offer free trials for new subscribers. These trials range from a few days to a month or more. Take advantage of these test periods to explore different services and determine which ones best suit your needs. Just be sure to cancel before the trial period ends. If you decide not to continue with a subscription, you will avoid being charged for a full month’s service.

Utilize Libraries

Many libraries offer digital lending services that allow you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, movies, and music for free. You just need to sign up for your FREE library card to access the 1000’s of titles.

Additionally, subscription services like Kindle Unlimited or Audible offer unlimited access to a vast selection of eBooks and audiobooks for a monthly fee. This provides a cost-effective way to enjoy reading and listening to current and “Top 10” content.

Explore Free Streaming Platforms

There are numerous free streaming platforms that offer a wide range of movies, TV shows, music, and even books. These platforms may include ads or have a more limited selection compared to paid services. But, they can still provide plenty of entertainment options at no cost to you and your family.

Share Subscriptions

Consider sharing streaming subscriptions with family or friends to split the cost. Many streaming services allow multiple users to create profiles under a single account, making it easy to share access while minimizing expenses.

By employing these strategies, you can enjoy a diverse selection of movies, books, and music while staying within your budget. Whether you prefer the latest blockbuster films, best-selling novels, or chart-topping tunes, there’s a cost-effective streaming solution out there.

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Work Evaluations

Work Evaluations

Your first work evaluation at a new job can be a scary experience. But it’s your opportunity to show your supervisor your strengths and work habits. Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your first work evaluation.

Review Your Job Duties

Before your evaluation, review your job responsibilities and the goals set by your manager. Preparing ahead will give you a better understanding of what you should be focusing on and what your supervisor is looking for. Make sure you understand the company’s mission and goals and how your role directly contributes to the results.

Reflect on Improvements

You need to take some time to reflect on your accomplishments since starting your new job. Think about the projects you’ve worked on, the skills you’ve developed, and the contributions you’ve made to the organization. Also, consider areas where you could improve or where you have struggled. Being aware of needed improvements will help you have a productive conversation with your boss.

Prepare Examples

In order to communicate your accomplishments and areas for improvement, it’s important to have examples to back up your claims. Document examples of specific projects or tasks you’ve worked on that demonstrate your skills and contributions to the company.

Also, have data or metrics to show your progress and performance for your team. You need to be prepared to answer the hard questions as well as have solutions for improvement.

Come Prepared with Questions

Your work evaluation is also an opportunity to ask questions and get feedback from your employer. Prepare a list of questions you have about your work responsibilities, the company’s goals or any other feedback. I keep a running list of questions and answers throughout the year. This way, I’m not surprised by my manager’s questions of me during the evaluation process.

Be Honest

During your work evaluation, it’s important to be honest and open-minded about your performance and areas for improvement. You need to accept honest, constructive criticism and take the feedback given to you into consideration for future development. Every boss is different, and most lead from areas of their strengths, so listen with an open heart and mind.

By reviewing your job, reflecting on your goals and areas for improvement, you will be ready for your evaluations. Be sure to prepare examples and evidence of your year’s work and come prepared with questions.

If you are open and honest, you can make the most of your first work evaluation and impress your boss. You’ll be able to demonstrate your value to the organization and develop a plan for growth and success in your role for the future.

Wishing you the very best in your long career!

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The Good Life

I just finished a new library book focused on happiness; The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness. Two doctors relate through short stories the simple ways to increase your happiness, based on an 80-year scientific Harvard study. Here are the simple, proven ways to find happiness in your life every day.

Increase Positive Relationships

It goes without saying, that when you feel good physically, you feel good mentally. You need to increase the frequency and quality of the positive relationships in your life to be happy.  It doesn’t have to be friends or family either that make you happy.

The authors relate the positive interaction with a bus driver who makes your commute easier daily. Or how about the teacher who helps your child overcome learning obstacles, which helps you and your family. When you interact and connect with others that “lift you up,” your happiness increases.

Get Rid of Distractions

A distracted mind is unhealthy for your mental well-being and physical health. For example, have you ever worried so much about something that has never happened? You wasted time and energy for nothing. The authors suggest keep your focus by clearing your mind of past mistakes and future worries with meditation.

Meditation calms your heart rate, breathing, and allows your mind to focus on the present and to be in the moment. Being in nature helps with focus as does removing yourself from negative people. (An overlap from the first point made about increasing your quality relationships.) The authors remind us that the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

Social Media Engagement

Finally, the authors don’t dismiss social media, but rather supply the research to back up the positive engagement of online platforms. The 2020 pandemic is a perfect example of the damaging social isolation we all experienced.

When we lack the social (in person) interaction with others it is damaging to our well-being. Studies have proven (in Norway) that when children engaged on social media they were happier. This versus just scrolling through and “liking” a post. Social engagement even online benefits your health and happiness for all ages.

Simple but proven ways to keep your mind and relationships healthy and active throughout your life. Finally, staying curious and continuing to learn is a simple way to be happy, no matter your age. Money does not make you happy, but being grateful does. The insights in Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz’s book showed me how happy I really am too!

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Social Media in Libraries

Marketing with social media has become a crucial tool for public libraries. Libraries need to connect with their communities and promote their services. However, managing a social media presence for a public library can be challenging. It’s important to follow best practices to ensure that your efforts are effective for your customers. Here are three best practices for social media in a public library.

Develop A Marketing Strategy

The first step in creating a successful social media presence for a public library is to develop a marketing strategy. Identifying your target audience, determining the types of content that will be most relevant, and creating a posting schedule. Consider the type of information and services your library offers. What events do you host currently, and what does the community you serve want when creating engaging content?

Engage with your audience

Social media is not a one-way street, it’s important to engage with your audience. Respond to comments and messages daily. You also need to actively seek out opportunities to connect with your community and add new followers. Encourage your followers to share their thoughts, ask for feedback and listen to what they have to say.

Be Consistent and Authentic

Consistency is key when it comes to social media. Make sure to post regularly and maintain a consistent tone across all platforms. Additionally, be authentic and transparent when communicating with your audience. Share the library’s mission and values, and let them know what makes your library unique. Be aware of trolls and make sure to have a “social media policy” in place to deal with misinformation.

In addition to these best practices, it’s also important to ensure that your library’s social media accounts are properly set up and managed. This means keeping your library’s contact information up to date, monitoring your accounts for inappropriate content, and ensuring account security.

Also, take the time to review your analytics and measure the performance of your social media posts. This will help you understand what works and what doesn’t and adjust your strategy accordingly. Social media coordinator is a good role for professional development in public libraries for your staff.

Social media is an effective tool for public libraries to connect with their communities and promote their services. By developing a marketing strategy, engaging and being consistent with posts, you can create an online presence for your library. Remember, social media is an ongoing effort, so be ready to adapt and evolve as the platforms and audiences change.

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Public Library Trends


Public libraries have been a vital resource for communities for centuries, and today, the role of public libraries continues to evolve in response to changing technology and societal needs. Here are three of the most current trends in public libraries in the United States and around the globe:

Digital Literacy 

With the increasing importance of technology in our daily lives, public libraries are placing a greater emphasis on digital literacy. This includes providing patrons with access to technology and training on how to use it, as well as offering classes on coding, web design, and other in-demand skills.

Libraries are expanding their digital collections, with e-books, audiobooks, and streaming movies available online. Even providing early literacy resources and parenting help for patrons, to help the next generation of library users.

Community Engagement

Public libraries are also shifting their focus to become more community centered. Libraries are hosting events and programs that bring together people from different backgrounds and perspectives to build a sense of community.

They are also partnering with local organizations to provide services that address the specific needs of their communities, such as homelessness and literacy classes for non-native speakers. Some libraries even provide high school classes online to earn your diploma, all for FREE!

Maker Spaces / Learning Labs

Maker spaces are a popular trend in public libraries, as they provide patrons with access to tools, technology, and resources that they can use to create, invent, and learn.

These spaces often include equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and electronics labs. They also provide patrons with access to trained professionals who can teach them how to use the equipment and provide guidance on their projects.

Another need is for learning labs or specific workforce centers. Depending upon the community’s needs, a designated librarian for  help to assist job seekers. Career basics, like resume writing, online applications, and interview practice is essential in many cities as the job market tightens.

These trends are not specific to the United States, libraries around the globe are experiencing similar needs. They are adapting to the new normal and the changes in technology and specific needs of the community they serve.

Librarians are being innovative and finding new ways to offer services and resources that are relevant to the community. They are becoming more than just a place to check out books. Libraries are becoming a hub for community engagement and lifelong learning to improve economic development and sustainability.

Finally, public libraries are evolving to meet the changing needs of their communities. They are placing a greater emphasis on digital literacy, focusing on community engagement, and developing learning spaces. These trends are helping libraries to remain relevant and essential resources for their communities in the digital age.

Public libraries are more than just a physical space, they are an important partner in a thriving community.

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Library Metrics

If your library runs on a fiscal year, June through July, have you prepared your annual report? What library metrics should you provide the Board?  Read on for tips to create an informative report full of the most impactful information.

Digital Checkouts

With the pandemic, digital checkouts have surged in libraries across the country. Provide your stakeholders statistics on eBook, DVD and music downloads. These items along with magazines are the four most popular circulating digital items. Don’t forget to add the new vendors from 2020 or other anomalies to explain large data swings.

Door Count

The number of people coming through the doors has decreased due to the public health situation. Including this number is totally up to you, but it might not be pretty. You could include new partnerships or other outreach metrics in place of the door count. Safe to say, physical visits to the library might never recover if we need to live with Covid long term.

As a leader, you need to begin to get creative about bringing folks back in. Will large public events or annual festivals drive library traffic post pandemic?  Each community is different and finding the sweet spot for public engagement is your job as library director.


What new vendors did the library add or delete?  Please include all the collections to provide an accurate overview of your library’s offerings and impact on the community. I’ve worked in library where DVDs were the number one circulating item. Other libraries had a large children’s picture book collection that drove the checkouts due to higher family populations. Tailor the report and metrics to highlight the collections’ strengths while acknowledging possible gaps.


Programming will be your library’s time to shine. Despite closures, virtual programming has taken off at most libraries nationwide and globally. Edit a bit from a virtual storytime to present during the Board meeting and share how the library was successful.

Be sure to collect data regarding re-shares along with audience size in the initial posting.  Keep a digital archive of the library programs to improve next year. Consider regular promotions of  library programs on social media platforms to reach your potential audience. This will drive customers to the building too.


If you have a choice of format, I’d recommend a simple infographic. Keeping the library information to one page will keep it simple, easy to read, and easy to explain.  Finally, a variety of pictures and statistics also keeps the eye interested and readers engaged.

However, whatever format you choose, keep the report relatable to the average person by avoiding library jargon (like “circs.”) Be sure to have fun reviewing your year. You are the best person to tell the library’s story and advocate in the community. Best of luck!

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Prepare for an Interview

With the pandemic still at the forefront of our lives, interviewing for library jobs are being held virtually. You need to be ready to bring your skills and personality through the screen and get that job!

Research the Job

To prepare for your interview reviewing the library’s website and the job duties is necessary. Topics to be familiar with are the communities the library serves and popular programs. You will have a better understanding of your role if hired too.

Organize your thoughts and bring forward in the interview what you know about the library and the organization. You need to think about what value you can bring with your experience and passion for the job. Have a final few questions in mind. You show the interviewers what you know about their workplace and the time you took to understand the culture and their needs.

Practice your answers

Practice makes permanent, a mentor and teacher once shared with me. Anticipate the interview questions, or at least some of them.  Collaboration stories, rising from a problem or failure, handling public complaints will all be questions you should be prepared to answer.  If you don’t have real-world library experience, provide examples from your volunteer work. Student activities or stories from your personal life, like volunteering, also provide solid examples.

Making your stories personal, concise (no more than 2 minutes per answer) and appropriate for the question, will give you an advantage.  You need to make yourself memorable to the interview panel. The more you practice, the more natural and relaxed you will come across in your interview.

Be yourself

Finally, let your natural personality come through during your time with the interviewers. You are determining if the library and organization are a good fit for your needs, just like they are sizing you up. Ask at least two questions, not answered during the interview. Think about specifically the job, work culture or unfamiliar responsibilities you might need clarifying.

This shows your interest and initiative to understand what the library needs.  Outreach, children’s story times, working with teens are topics you can expand upon once you are aware of the job tasks. Your true self will shine through. Good Luck and just know the library needs you as much as you need this job, so relax and be yourself!

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Library Budgets

Why a budget article in June when the budget is most likely done for the fiscal year?  I want you to think about all the changes and budget shifts likely to come in the next six months. Covid is still present. Therefore, library budgets must be constantly prioritized. Here are some strategies to consider for your next budget process.


Pre-pandemic foot traffic has not come back to libraries. In-person programs are still unsafe in some communities. A library leader must be thinking about utilizing their staff more efficiently, since libraries are in-person services.

You might ramp up virtual storytimes or teen programs. Consider reducing public hours to consolidate your labor budget. The minimum wage has increased in many states, so a shrinking budget is a reality. Get creative to have staff cross train and don’t rehire for vacant positions.

Collection Budget

With Ebooks and streaming movies exploding in use last year, increase your digital collection budget. This means you will most likely need to reduce your physical collection budget. This is a decision not taken lightly, due to access of computers, reading needs, and the demographics of your community. Think this through carefully.

However, taking small steps to increase digital offerings will increase your library team’s efficiency and safety. Ask other like-sized library systems their recommendation to get a feel for what your customers really want and need moving forward.

Rethink Equipment Needs

With the decrease in foot traffic, can replacement equipment be put on hold? Does the automatic sorter really need to be replaced or can it hold out another year or two? Put on your negotiator’s hat and work with your vendor to devise a budget that works for you.

In addition to equipment, think about scaling back on physical book supplies for mending and cataloging. Does the library have an outreach and events team with a budget? Economizing in every area will go a long way to balance the budget for the future.

Extending Library Services

Hear me out on this one. Libraries are unique and every community is little bit different. You need to consider internal partnerships that can share library staff (and salaries) and benefit your town.

This could be homeless services, mobile literacy services or senior care needs. Get creative to devise a plan that will utilize your library and staff and extend the library into the community.

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Library Partnerships

Entering the third year of the pandemic, no one saw the library industry changes coming. With in-person programs and events still uncertain, how do library partnerships evolve?  Read on for tips your team can use to thrive with change. During and after Covid, libraries will need to bounce back and be relevant with programs more than ever before.

Virtual meetings

As the pandemic drags on, your library should be in regular contact with your community partners. Zoom and Teams should be your best friend, to connect with leaders and your stakeholders. School Districts, Civic and other organizations have varying levels of safety protocols. Always error on the side of caution and meet up virtually with your partners.

Keep in touch with mutual goals, benchmarks, or patron data that might need analyzing. “Back to normal” might never happen, so keeping abreast of your partners’ new goals and interests is key right now.

Attend annual events safely

If the virus is not a threat in your community and you can safety attend in-person annual events, do it!  Nothing takes the place of “face time” and meeting with your partners. This also applies to new partners your library was cultivating before the pandemic.

Keeping the pipeline full of potential new partners with similar community goals is vital especially now. Think beyond your normal partnerships and look at new bonds you can form.  Is there a new literacy organization or an arm from the American Rescue Plan that would work with your library’s strategic plan? Now is the time to get creative and seek these groups out.

Seek Out New Partners

Like pre-pandemic, your team will still need to reach out and connect with new schools, faith-based organizations, and other partners. With the building quieter and less foot traffic, meet with internal departments in your city or university to find common ground.

Does the city need a new recreation space or social service? This might be the lifeline the library needs to provide a needed service for the community. Libraries are now providing onsite Covid testing and take-home tests. Don’t leave anything off the table if your library can support a needed service now.

Getting a jump start on new partnerships and maintaining current ones should be library leadership’s priority. It’s never too late to have alternative plans ready if your senior leadership needs the library to expand services. Be ready and be prepared, especially during this time of post pandemic usage.

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Strategic Plans

SWOT analysis was covered in a previous post as the first step in creating strategic plans. If you are new to library planning or directorship, read on for simple tips to get started in strategic planning.

Six Components of a Strategic Plan

The six components needed for a robust library strategic plan are:

  1. A Vision Statement – usually taken from your organization, university, or city
  2. Core Values – your organization adheres too and embodies for your community
  3. Culture and Behaviors – need to be intertwined in the plan from the overarching values
  4. Themes from Data – need to be addressed from focus groups and surveys
  5. Timeframe Established – with deadlines to gauge results and outcomes of the plan
  6. Metrics – to provide feedback and business results for the effectiveness of the plan

Gain Support

Gaining the support of Human Resources and senior leadership is so important. This will enable your library to further explain the “why” behind the strategic plan. Your library will gain valuable partnerships. Furthermore, your success will determine having the backing of HR and your staff to see your vision behind the objectives. You need to start a year in advance with informational meetings with managers and partners involved.


The Library Friends, Board and managers need to have all the information and the projected timeline for the plan. Again, you need to gain support before you invite focus groups or engage with the SWOT analysis for staff.

Your first job is to engage your senior leadership, so they understand the importance of your intended road map. Having an objective for EDI, professional development, community goals is important.

Data Mining

After gaining support and hosting focus groups and surveys, you need to develop a committee to mine the data. You will gain valuable knowledge about needs, wants and goals for your plan. Next, develop objectives, timelines, and metrics for the plan objectives. Taking the necessary time to dig into the weeds is important. Data will be different depending upon the goal and result.

However, don’t let personal interests or “sacred cows” drive the strategic plan. Your leadership is most important here, to establish measurable outcomes that impact your community.

Follow Up and Feedback

Finally, after your strategic plan is approved, you need to implement and measure the results. These last steps are as important as the planning stages. You need to measure your objectives.

Questions to consider:

  • How did new software impact our customers?
  • Was the extra expense in personnel provide improved (and improved) access?  Measure it.
  • What was the outcome of the increased Wi-Fi in the building? Include raw data and narratives.

Again, feedback and results will need to be analyzed for success and moving forward. A strategic plan, especially during Covid, is a fluid document. Remaining flexible is my best advice.

Furthermore, a Library Director needs to have the vision and leadership to handle anything. A strategic plan gives you that roadmap to help lead and plan for the future. Best of luck!

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