#kathyhusser career careertips Happiness Health

Decision Making

In decision-making, your mind often struggles with facts and analyses, but there’s an often-overlooked guide—intuition. That curious gut feeling, a subtle whisper from within, holds profound wisdom that beats logical reasoning. Embracing and listening to your intuition can lead to decisions that align more authentically with your true self and aspirations.

Instant Insights

Unlike the deliberate pace of rational thought, intuition operates swiftly, providing instant insights. It’s that immediate sensation when something feels right or wrong, a gut response that doesn’t require exhaustive thought. Trusting your first thought allows you to tap into a source of rapid, subconscious processing of your experiences and emotions.

Unconscious Alignment

This intuition draws upon the large database of your life, lessons learned, and emotions felt. It accesses the information stored in your subconscious, to offer a holistic perspective. Your gut feeling may stem from patterns or feelings that your conscious mind hasn’t grasped, making it valuable in decision-making.

Listening to your intuition allows you to make decisions that resonate with your authentic self. In a world filled with external influences and societal expectations, your gut feeling acts as a compass. It points you toward choices that align with your core values and aspirations. It helps you stay true to your unique path, fostering a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Navigating Uncertainty

Life is uncertain, and decisions often involve navigating uncharted territory. Listening to your gut feelings serves as a reliable guide through the unknown. It provides a subtle sense of direction when faced with choices that lack clear answers or when logical choices fall short. Trusting your gut allows you to navigate uncertainty with a sense of assurance and confidence.

Emotional Intelligence

Finally, intuition is closely linked with emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize and understand emotions, both in yourself and others. When making decisions, considering emotional cues from your intuition. This enhances your empathy and fosters better interpersonal relationships in your life. It helps you make choices that account for the emotional well-being of yourself and those around you.

By embracing and trusting your gut feelings, you invite a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and making decisions. Decisions that not only stand the test of time, but enrich your life with a deep sense of authenticity.

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By Kathy Husser (Tempe)

Kathy Husser is a Tempe librarian and educator who enjoys travel and learning about our global cultures. With post pandemic traveling open up more and more, Kathy wants to share resources for family friendly getaways and fun trips to meet your vacation needs. She enjoys gardening, the outdoors and cooking too!