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Managing Coworkers

As a new supervisor, managing former coworkers can be challenging. It can be difficult to balance the shift in power dynamics while maintaining positive working relationships. In this article you will learn some best practices for managing former colleagues and creating a successful transition.

Establish Clear Communication

Open communication is essential when managing former colleagues. It is important to establish clear expectations from the beginning and to keep everyone informed throughout the transition process. This can include outlining new responsibilities, changes in reporting structure, and any other relevant details. Clear communication can help to reduce confusion and uncertainty, and create a more positive work environment.

Maintain Professionalism

As a new supervisor, it is important to maintain a professional demeanor when interacting with former colleagues. This can include avoiding favoritism, setting clear boundaries, and addressing any conflicts in a timely and respectful manner. It is also important to lead by example and to hold yourself to the same standards as your team.

Build Trust

Building trust is essential in any leadership role, and it is especially important when managing former coworkers. Take the time to get to know your team members on a personal level, and show them you value their contributions. Building trust can help to create a more positive work environment, and help to reduce tension or resistance to change.

Encourage Feedback

Encouraging feedback from your team can help to create a more collaborative work environment. As a new manager, you can help address any concerns or challenges that may arise or have come up in the past. This includes setting up regular check-ins, soliciting feedback on new initiatives, and actively listening to your team’s ideas and suggestions. Encouraging feedback can also help to create a culture of continuous improvement, and lead to better performance for the team.

Provide Support

As a new supervisor, it is important to provide support to your team during the transition process. This can include providing training, resources, and other HR support as needed. It is also important to be available and accessible to your team, and to provide regular feedback and recognition.

A favorite way to recognize your team is learn about them individually.  Thank them with a personal note, small gift, or publicly so they know you value them. One year, I gave my team Life is Good t-shirts depending upon their hobbies, and they loved them!

Finally, managing former colleagues can be a challenging experience. It is also a chance to grow and learn as a leader. By beginning with clear communication, you build trust, encourage feedback, and provide support for your team.  You can create a successful transition and build a strong team with former coworkers or as new leader.

Remember to lead by example, stay open to feedback, and be willing to adapt as needed. With the right mindset and approach, managing former coworkers or anyone can be fulfilling and fun!

For more career tips check out my website:

By Kathy Husser (Tempe)

Kathy Husser is a Tempe librarian and educator who enjoys travel and learning about our global cultures. With post pandemic traveling open up more and more, Kathy wants to share resources for family friendly getaways and fun trips to meet your vacation needs. She enjoys gardening, the outdoors and cooking too!