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Holiday Recipes

Holiday recipes will not be the same as the “recipes” I shared for the Thanksgiving holiday. These recipes are how to celebrate the holidays to bring you joy this year and next. Here are a few ideas to make this holiday season shine!

Work Reflection

Reflecting on the past year during this time brings great comfort and clarification of the past 11 to 12 months.  What work goals did you achieve?  What new goals for your career will you begin?  Think about the changes in your job and home life you had this year; was it beneficial? Out of your control?  This is the time to set your path on what you’ll be focusing on for 2025 in your career.


Relationships, like life, are always changing. What relationships would you like to nurture next year or pull away from?  As you grow, your relationships will change with you as your boundaries grow and are defined.

When I was a mom with your kids, my circle of friends were other moms from our play group. As my children grew, my friendships changed too. Work relationships and my friends from the gym become my focus, as my kids gained their own circle of friends. Getting out there making new friends feels good and is healthy.


Health and wellness are always important, so a recipe for success always starts with your self-care first.  Look at your nutrition, physical exercise, and mindset to create a path to wellness. Stress can be the biggest obstacle to positive mental and physical fitness. Your mind can make or break you, so meditation and taking time for yourself is important for a healthy outlook. A 15- minute walk after dinner or before you set off for work in the morning helps clear your mind.

There is no tried and true path for a happy life, but there are “recipes” to help you learn, grow, and thrive every year. Taking this time during the holidays to re-evaluate habits in your life that need focus will help.  Life is about change, and I hope yours is positive and productive.

For more living well, tips check out:

By Kathy Husser (Tempe)

Kathy Husser is a Tempe librarian and educator who enjoys travel and learning about our global cultures. With post pandemic traveling open up more and more, Kathy wants to share resources for family friendly getaways and fun trips to meet your vacation needs. She enjoys gardening, the outdoors and cooking too!