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Best Habits for Job Success


Starting a new job can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. To ensure a smooth transition and set yourself up for success, it’s important to develop the best habits early on. Here are three habits to focus on when you start your new job.

Be On Time or Early Every Day

One of the most important habits to have when starting a new job is to be punctual. This means being on time for meetings, arriving to work on time, and meeting deadlines. Even if you’re working remotely, be early to sign onto your computer every day. Being punctual shows that you are reliable, responsible, and respectful of your colleagues’ and supervisor’s time.

Clear Communication

Communication is key to success in any job. When starting a new job, it’s important to take the time to understand the communication style of your colleagues and supervisor. Be sure to ask questions when you’re unsure of something and actively listen to others when they are speaking.

Communicating effectively will help you build relationships and get things done more efficiently. This is the foundation a solid and trusting work relationship.

Take Initiative

Another important habit to have when starting a new job is to take initiative. Don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas or offer to take on new projects. This shows that you are proactive and willing to take on extra responsibilities.

It will also help you learn and grow in your new role. You might make mistakes, but showing you are willing and able to do the job (and then some) is priceless.

Growth Mindset

In addition to these habits, it’s also important to be flexible, open-minded, and willing to learn. Your new job will come with its own set of challenges and being adaptable will help you navigate them. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance when you need it. Building a strong relationship with your colleagues and managers will make the transition to your new job much smoother.

Starting a new job can be daunting, but by focusing on these four habits, you can set yourself up for success. By being punctual, communicating effectively, and taking initiative with a grow mindset, you’ll be able to make a great impression.

Building relationships and excelling in your new role will be second nature. Remember to be patient with yourself and enjoy your journey. Best of Luck!

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Selling Skills

Selling Skills

Let’s face it, we don’t like being sold anything, ever.  But we all sell something, every day whether we realize it or not.  Do you know how those selling skills will help you in everyday life? Here are ways to influence to create solutions and harmony in your life.


Even if you are not a parent, you have parents, siblings, or family. In life we enjoy getting our way. Whether it’s family gatherings, vacations, or just getting the kids up in the morning. The key to selling your “idea” is to understand, that people “buy” or listen to likable people.

That’s why the old saying, “you get more with honey than vinegar” applies here. Build your case in a positive manner. Remember, the mantra, “What’s in it for me…” You need to “sell” your idea as a benefit to the other person. The kids will get pancakes if they get up right now for school. The vacation to Hawaii, rather than Colorado, will enable you a warm, sunny getaway during the winter. Remember “WIIFM,” and think what the other person really wants or how they benefit.

Buyers and Their Emotions

As a buyer, or the receiving end of a transactions, did you know you “buy” based on your emotions? We all buy based on feelings and justify the transaction based on logical information afterwards. Here me out and think about your last purchase. Did you really “need” that new outfit? Does your kid “need” or “want” those new shoes, and why? The type of clothing and shoes purchased will be based on trends or what all the other kids are wearing.

Understanding your emotions before you buy something is important, because the salesperson will want to know your feelings. Asking questions to understand what you are looking for or why you need something is Selling 101. Sharing stories to gather information will also help understand your motivation as a buyer. Think about how many times you’ve said, “I’m just looking.” I say it all the time. But when I’m ready to decide, I need that person’s expertise and knowledge to make my purchase.

Trust is Crucial

Finally, having the support after the sale is just as important as the transaction itself. Going back to the kids in the morning and pancakes for breakfast. If the kids get up when you ask them, brush their teeth, then you’d better follow through with pancakes! Trust is the number one reason someone will “buy.”

This trust factor transcends not only accountability but doing what you say you’ll do. But trusting in the follow up conversation if you really have something that solves a problem. Trust and a solid relationship with family, products, or companies all comes from the outcomes and support after the transaction. The ultimate goal is for you to be happy and satisfied with what transpired.

Selling happens every day in our lives and being aware how we “buy” is helpful in everyday life.

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Traveling for Work

With remote work popular these days and the latest airline mishaps in the news, traveling for work is more common. Here are simple tips to make work travel easy, fun, and something to look forward to every trip.

See the Sights

If you have a travel day before your work meetings, plan to see at least one city sight, something you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy either. A flower garden, city park, new shopping center, or art museum all will make your trip fun when you arrive.

Even planning a restful, calm evening in your hotel room with HBO is relaxing and allows you to destress. Plan to have at least one event on your “agenda” for yourself, and you’ll feel so much better!

Be Prepared

Allowing for extra travel delays is another simple way to make work travel easier. Make sure to always carry on your luggage. You will have to pack accordingly, to make a carry on last all week, but it’s worth it!  The time you save waiting for your bag, or not having your bag when you arrive is priceless.

Tip number two is always give yourself a day before your important work meeting, in case of flight delays. Airlines have become less reliable lately, so give yourself that extra time, just in case.

Save The Miles

If your company allows it, save those airline miles and hotel points. Using your frequent traveler programs for fun vacations throughout the year, makes traveling for work fun and more enjoyable.  Saving for a trip for Europe or Hawaii?

Using your banked miles will help not only the cost, but in some cases upgrade you. Enjoying a better seat on the plane or upgraded hotel room always makes vacation more enjoyable. Some credit cards also have travel insurance and other perks associated with their card for extra travel protection.

Finally, always have your passport, snacks, and your device chargers in case you are delayed in the airport. Be prepared for work and traveling takes confidence and the curiosity to enjoy your trips have fun too!  Safe travels!

For more travel tips and career advice check out my website:

career Health

Major Life Changes

The pandemic has forced some people to re-evaluate not only their life but their livelihoods, and values as well. Would you like to change careers or just make a major adjustment in your life? Read on for tips on how to ease into making major changes and how to recognize signs to start now.

How Important Is It?

According to James Clear, major changes in life are determined by your attitude and the importance placed on the change. For some people having a child or changing jobs is a huge decision. While others don’t put as much importance on those factors in life.  It really depends on you, your partner, and your unique circumstances.

How that change will affect you and your family is also another overriding factor influencing the decision to make a change.  A child in the family is not only a time and energy commitment but it’s also very expensive. You’ll need a safe home, financial security, and a means to raise the child. All these factors when examined might scare some would-be parents. For others, having a new baby is more of an emotional decision.

When is the Right Time

How do you know if change needs to happen in your life?  There are a few red flags to look out for especially when others are affected in your circle. Is your mental and physical health in decline, due to work life balance?  Do you feel “stuck” with no place to go?  Are you picking up detrimental habits that are damaging your health? Excessive alcohol use, overeating, or overspending are a few habits that come to mind.

If you answer “Yes,” to one of these questions, it might be time to re-evaluate what’s causing the negative patterns.   Normally, if a two-week, relaxing vacation or change of scenery does not help, a major shift needs to occur.

How to Start

Start off by acknowledging your feelings, good and bad. Talk with your partner, parent, or a trusted person to discuss your situation. Break down what’s happening in more manageable objectives. Always remain positive, even if the situation looks bleak. Staying calm, working on a solution, and having a goal starts the process. Working towards the solution and outcome will gradually help you feel more in control and better about the situation.

But understand, major changes take time and energy to work through the entire process. Sometimes just acknowledging you need “something” different is enough for some folks to feel better. Hope this finds you well!

Check out my personal website for more living well articles.

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Work Balance

With the pandemic came a greater need to understand work life balance and how it affects families. Read on for ideas to keep your career on track and a healthy balance at home.

Stop Multitasking

Women are more prone to multitask more than men. However, none of us can complete two tasks at once. You end up doing two tasks, half-way or having to redo something else. In other words, focus on one thing at a time. Whether it’s answering email, phone calls, or watching your kid’s soccer game. Do one and only one thing at a time.

You’d be amazed how much you can accomplish if you concentrate on one task, complete it, and move on.  I’m a mom too, so I understand the feelings.  Stop multitasking now for a healthier lifestyle.

Lists Are Your Friends

Write down what you need to do. Whether it’s in your google calendar, a paper list, or in Notes; write it down. When you write something down, it gives your brain permission to move on. You are not “holding on” to the item in your head. You can clear the way for other tasks that come up.

It might be important to pick up dog food or prepare for a work meeting but don’t give each task equal importance. Write it down and cross it off when completed.  Have a work list and home list to keep things simple or color code your task list.

Plan Time to Relax

Just as you would plan for your work meeting, block off down time at home. As a super achiever this is important, so you don’t burn out. Self-care and taking time for yourself is the most important task you can do for your family and you.

Your immune system will thank you and your gratitude level will increase with self-care. If you find it difficult to “unwind” check out some reaffirming daily reminders to help.  Having reminders of what you have, (not what you don’t) is the very best method to find peace in life.


Finally, get a dog or cat for companionship. Research has shown that petting a dog or cat reduces a human’s anxiety level immediately. Pets are relaxing and allow you to focus on something other than work or other distractions. Taking care of an animal opens up empathy for other creatures and nurturing skills.

For more living well ideas check my personal website:


career Travel

Remote Working Vacations

With Covid still present worldwide and work being more flexible, think about taking a remote working vacation this year. What better way to take advantage of your time and see the world while enjoying remote work.  Below are the top spots to enjoy a trip and still easily work remotely. Even if you’ve never tried a working vacation, the pandemic has shown us, “never to say never.”

Think Big

With the ease of Wi-Fi connectivity worldwide, your imagination is the only thing stopping you from your next holiday. Of course, larger cities in the United States such as Phoenix, San Diego and New York rank very high in Wi-Fi reliability. So now think about overseas locations that would provide a life changing vacation and still allow you to work.

German based company, Holidu has ranked the best cities, so check out your dream trip before summer rolls around. Bangkok, Thailand and Barcelona, Spain rank high for overseas vacation workers. So, take the time to check out other destinations that meet your needs.

Time Balance

This goes without saying, that you’re on vacation but you are working, so balance is key. Think ahead about how your typical week will be planned out. With time zones, will you be checking email at 2AM or have enough time during your day. Think through current large projects, budget deadlines or other timelines that need extra attention.

Book a trip during a time that won’t require extra work or constant attention while away.  Have a list of activities to check out before you leave.  You are in a new city or foreign country so take advantage of your time and see the sites.

Legal Guidelines

If you are thinking you’d like to stay longer than a few weeks in your vacation locale, ask your company. There are tax implications, residency issues, and visa requirements if you work longer than a few weeks. This varies by country and most importantly by your organization’s HR rules. Know ahead of time how long you can stay before you encounter any legal issues or tax questions.

Asking a few questions of your employer before you venture out is a great way to start a new trend in vacations. Take advantage of remote working and see the world at the same time. Safe Travels! Check out my personal site for more travel ideas:


Remote Working

Staying focused and engaged while working remotely might be a challenge to some. Others find remote work the best advantage of navigating a global pandemic. Read on for easy habits to make remote working manageable and encourage a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. 

Be Mindful

Being mindful is a simple concept, and basically you need to be in the moment. Easier said than done sometimes, especially if you are also homeschooling or have other responsibilities. You need to complete one commitment or task at a time. Be mindful of priorities throughout your day. In addition, turn off your brain at night. Being mindful and doing a “brain dump” at night is essential. I’m talking about emptying your negative thoughts each night before bed. This will go a long way for a healthy mind and body for the next day.

Find a Passion

Is your job your passion?  You are not alone; many people say, no, not really! If you need a passion or purpose to wake up in the morning, find one. Many workers at home are finding other outlets to offset the lack of a passionate connection to their work. Think about art, a pet, or some even work two jobs.  This sounds incredible, but many have success at two jobs to help with remote work engagement and financial security. I am not asking you to go find another remote job. I am advocating that you need another outlet for happiness other than your work. Go out there and find it.

Set Boundaries

Going into an office, your work hours, business tasks, and lunch breaks are dictated. Depending upon your company, you are the one to decide when tasks and emails get done. Setting healthy boundaries for your work hours, answering emails, and taking time for yourself is crucial. No one at home will tell you when to eat, take a break, or get off email. You need to decide a sound schedule and stick to it. Self-care is so important as we have less socialization with remote working during the pandemic.

Be Flexible

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that remaining flexible and open to new opportunities is beneficial. Having clear expectations from your employer is needed. However, resilient workers who are positive, and see problems as challenges are happier. You make more sound decisions, and you can handle difficult situations better when you’re flexible.

Take some time and find new ways to help grow in your remote job and let me know how it’s going.